The most destructive
technology is here. Whether or not you can handle it, you will
learn about water. Sooooo, sit down, hold on, find yourself a
good comfortable chair with good lighting. Change is tortuous.
But change we need, to maintain a healthy life style.
You will not be able to learn
everything about water in this document. I have found that
there is soooo much about water, that just one session of one
document you read will not give you the information you need
to make a judicious decision about the water you drink, cook
with, and bath in. I know this sounds silly, but it is true.
You have been buffaloed, hookwinked, lied to and told half
truths for soooo long that you believe that all water is
created equal. This is NOT SO.
People in the industrialized
world spend 1,000 times more for bottled water, when you can
make it at home, office, factory, or place of employment for
pennies instead of a half a dollar to several dollars for just
16 ounces.
You will learn about the 250
plus mayors across the USA that have banned bottled water in
their municipalities. And, now restrictions of importing
bottled water in other countries. WHY? Well it is very simple.
Water is a low-tech commodity. No computer needed. No iPhone
required. No TV. No kitchen appliance. WOW. Very important WHY
some bottled water is restricted from importing. IT DOES NOT
consider bottled water DEAD WATER. Moreover, there is new
water out there called Boxed Water. Watch out. Here comes the
Kangen Waterâ„¢ is a destructive
technology and will wipe out not only bottled water, and will
effect the soda pop industry including but not limited to
sodas, and other manufacturer drinks in cans, glass, and
plastic. Water is the single most important ingredient for
sustaining a healthy lifestyle. Don't believe it! Well just
try and live for a week or two without any water.
Now the WHY! Plastic bottled
containers take 1,000 years to biodegrade. Do you care in your
lifetime? You should, for the sake of your children and their
children's children. You won't be here in a 1,000 years. This
is the #1 reason mayors across the USA have banned bottled
water. Let's see who will be here in your family? 500 or more
generations from now? God granting! Forget about the 1,000
years to biodegrade then. You have already been affected, the
plastic has leached into the water and your organs have been
tainted with whatever is in the plastic and your health has
been compromised! You will not die today, next year or a
couple of years from now, but because you are not drinking
"Kangen Water", your end of life will be compromised. You may
not live to as long as your body is good for life.
I am not going to spell out
exactly what is in the plastic. You probably, as I cannot
either, will not be able to pronounce the name of the
ingredients in the material that is in the plastic. Moreover,
extreme heating and cooling affects the plastic and it mixes
with the water in the bottle. Oh Boy. This is the #2 reason
why mayors and other countries have banned bottled
water. |
News Archives
2011 |
Do you feel like you have
been hoodwinked yet? How about buffaloed? Lied to? Told half-truths?
How about that bottled water from the last century called Evian?
What does that spell backwards? Call me when you figure it out.
949.328.0126 or 800.333.1157. My virtual secretary will find me and
let me know your are calling.
Each of us needs to meet face to
face with the big three and denounce the bottled water industry.
And, I do not mean GM, Chrysler and Ford. Find out for yourself. Do
some research? Search for "do you drink water." It will be on any
search engine and it is a web site.
What is next? How about the contents
of bottled water? Do you know what is in the water? Do you think all
water is created equal? Do you know about the history of Lourdes
France; Nadana India; Nordenau Germany; and Tlcaote Mexico?
Don't believe by any stretch of your
imagination that the manufacturers of bottled water have you in
their best interest. Those in the know consider bottled water as
DEAD WATER. City water, well water, river water, reverse osmosis
water, distilled water, and filtered water have their shortcomings
as well. This also includes those that think they can put drops or
tablets in water that the water is OK now. Yes it is OK for an
People say, "Oh I have a filtered
system, I spend $10,000 on and it is approved." Approved for what,
watering your yard? "Oh I have these pH drops I put in my water
which make my water perfect." What are you talking about, pH, what
is the pH of your water?. Most cannot answer the question. And on
and on and on about what they purchased and they do not have one
idea about what they are drinking. It is not what people do not
know. It is what people know that just ain't so. Will Rogers.
It is not what people do not know.
It is what people know that just ain't so. Will Rogers. Had to
say it twice...did you get it?
Oh the Content of Water:
We have been taught, told, discussed and schooled
that all water is H2O. And we drink it. Cook with it. Bath in it.
There is more to it than just H2O. If I was to get you a glass of
water out of the toilet at your home, and you were watching me,
would you drink it? I don't think so. What if I gave you a bottle of
water without any label on it and told you this is the best water
you can get, want a drink? Would you drink the bottled water I gave
to you? I would hope not.
Do you know what the pH of water is?
Do you know that all water has a different pH? Potential of
Hydrogen. WOW. What the heck is that? Potential of Hydrogen.
You know the temperature of your
body, right? 98.6 degrees F. Do you know the pH of your blood? Do
you care? Remember Lourdes, Nadana, Nordenau, & Tlcaote?
Do you know the anti-oxidation
factor of water? Do you know what it does to your body, organs,
digestive system and free radicals? Remember Lourdes, Nadana,
Nordenau, & Tlcaote?
What about the hydration factor that
water is supposed to have on your body and organs when you drink
water? Especially your eyes and brains. Do you know when you are
thirsty what happens to your body? What is this hydration factor?
Remember Lourdes, Nadana, Nordenau, & Tlcaote?
It is tortuous to make changes. Soda
pop (cancer in a can), beer, wine, fast food, and water. When to
eat? When to drink water? When not to drink water? What is the fuss
all about anyway?
I talked with a friend of a friend
in Alabama in October 2007 and asked him what kind of water he has
been drinking. He said, "I have been drinking well water all my
life. I am 68, five foot 8, and I am 285 pounds and I ain't dead
yet. One year later and I could not get a call through to Frank! My
friend told me he had passed away.
What is your health worth anyway?
Health insurance premiums over a lifetime from age 20 to 60 can be
greater than $700,000. Do these premiums change the way you feel?
Does your body give you any signs as to how you feel? How much will
you pay for excellent health?
I have tried and tried to remember
when I drank water as a child. What I do remember is that the water
in Long Beach California in the 1950's was orange when you first
turned on the water. Do not remember drinking that water. I remember
having milk for lunch and dinner. Being told not to gulp down my
milk as I was eating. Chew your food first at least 20 times. Drink
your milk later. Then of course with breakfast there was always
orange juice. My uncle was so strick on my cousins that they could
not have any liquid with any meal. That surely forces you to chew
your food.
But water, drinking water, I truly
do not remember ever having a drink from the faucet. Although, in
the summer time we drank out of the hose in the backyard when it was
scrourcing hot. The drinking fountains at school were always ok to
get a drink from or at the park or beach. Of course we drank water
at the beach and schools from the drinking fountains when we were
thirsty. I have learned now that when you are thirsty the damage has
already started in your body.
Learn how Japanese High Technology
Water will help you:
* Improve your health! *
Neutralize acid waste! * Rid the body of free
radicals! * Diminish your recovery time! * Boost your
energy and immunity! * Hydrate, Cleanse, & Nourish your
Body! * Great for exercising & working out! * Save
the environment! No more toxic bottles!
Healthy WATER IS
What You Don't Know About Your
Water Could Be Affecting Your Health!
Learn The TRUTH About:
* Chemical Additives in Our
Tap Water * Harmful Properties of Bottled Water *
Terrible Effects of Soda on Your Body * Hazards of Sports
Drinks * Acidic Drinks & Our Kids * Environmental
Impact of Plastic Bottles and MANY Other Startling Facts!
* Find Out How You Can Try It
Absolutely FREE!
Busy Schedule? Private
appointments available! |

Write "Virgin" US Mail

Want to
drink water for FREE? |
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Join us for a training session on
water. We promise there will be not "Water Boarding."
RSVP: 800.477.2334
Or, contact the person that gave you
this document.
Do you drink water.Com?
Business By The Sea
24331 Muirlands Blvd
Unit 4-125
Lake Forest, CA 92630
Cell Phone:
Voice Mail:
949.328.0126 |